How do I become a Rheumatologist?
Consider a career in Rheumatology… There’s RHEUM for everyone!
As of 2021, there are only 235 practicing rheumatologists in the entire Philippines who provide specialized care to patients with chronic disabling musculoskeletal conditions and autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
Rheumatology offers a broad range of interesting clinical scenarios and intelectually fulfilling patient interactions – from complicated gout or systemic vasculitides, to the specialized use of biologic agents which can dramatically and positively impact patients’ lives.
Join the roster of musculoskeletal internists who render competent care to millions of Filipinos with rheumatic diseases. Start by pursuing training in any of our accredited training programs.

Getting Started
ACCREDITED TRAINING INSTITUTIONS each offer a 2-year clinical fellowship training in rheumatology with the option to continue to a 3rd year research fellowship. Each training program is supervised by a roster of dedicated consultant-rheumatologists with expertise in crystal arthropathies, inflammatory arthritides, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitic syndromes and other connective tissue disorders. In addition, each program ensures continuing mentoring and support for chosen career paths in the clinics, academe and/or research for the entire duration of, and extending beyond completion, of fellowship training.
Medical internists or pediatricians who undergo training in rheumatology are inducted into the association as CLINICAL MEMBERS.
Following completion of fellowship training and at least obtaining diplomate status with the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP) or Philippine Pediatric Society (PPS), you can take the board examination given annually by the Philippine Specialty Board of Rheumatology (PSBR). After successfully hurdling the PSBR exam, you will be inducted the following year as a DIPLOMATE of the association.
For the next two years following induction as a diplomate, members are then required to demonstrate competence and skill in managing various musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases by accumulating a census of managed cases, as well as, a list of procedures performed on these patients. These lists, together with accomplishment of other requirements, form basis for promotion/ induction as a FELLOW of the association.